Bill Seelig, The Coaches Coach
"The best way to predict the future is to create it" - Peter Drucker
Bill has been a Silicon Valley coach for many years, with a passion for helping people overcome barriers, unleash their talents and realize their dreams. As a Teacher, Facilitator, and Coach, he has had the opportunity to assist leaders, private companies and family businesses at all stages: younger firms on a fast track for growth, mature companies wanting to retool and reinvigorate…and successful businesses preparing to transition to the next generation or for eventual sale.
Coaching successful business leaders has been central to his work. These men and women have spent years perfecting their craft, learning how to manage and eventually assuming responsibility for their growing organizations. Their journey is filled with challenges. A constant focus on the bottom-line and working with employees is critical. Hiring the right people, developing each, promoting them and, when necessary, helping some move on. Building a successful business structure and a top team with key work groups takes time and persistence. All the while maintaining a positive, productive culture given the changes of the day. They’re often awake at 2AM searching for solutions. Of note the majority of Bill’s clients increase revenues by over 1 million dollars in the first year.
Paralleling this is the need to balance these efforts with the development of a healthy family and personal life. Leaders in today’s world are frequently consumed by work challenges. They often short change the time needed for relationships on the home front. Marital issues, parent child problems and personal needs can easily go lacking. Finding ways to re-balance these work/family issues are important. Coaching helps.
Bill’s Journey
Bill Seelig is CEO and Founder of Seelig & Company. As a coach to business executives and leadership teams for over twenty years, he has worked with over one hundred companies in the Mid-West, California, Oregon, Washington and British Columbia. Before that, he was a turn-around executive for two family-oriented mental health organizations. In his early years, Bill was a clinical social worker, and a therapist and trainer/mentor for clinicians wanting to learn the art and science of family therapy.
He currently focuses on therapeutic coaching with men and women struggling with both life and business issues. Many are lonely and struggling with relationship challenges. Others are struggling with the sale and letting go of their business. Others are working on the “second inning,” moving from success to significance. He also continues to work with a select, motivated group of businesses…teaching, coaching and doing what it takes to help them understand and master the business fundamentals… using a relentless focus on the family issues, where appropriate, and the EOS® basics and their proven team process. Like Gino, my typical client is an entrepreneurial small to midsize organization ($2M to $50M) in revenues with 10 to 250 employees, growth oriented, willing to change, and willing to be vulnerable (as in being open-minded, willing to admit weaknesses, and willing to face reality).
Bill has a rich history as a Licensed Clinical Social Worker. He was also awarded the Certified Management Consultant (CMC), a distinction awarded to less than 1% of professional consultants by the Institute of Management Consultants USA. He was the past President and Chairman of the Board of the Northern California Chapter of IMC USA. More recently after EOS® training and mastering their rigorous, client-based Implementer protocols, he was awarded the Certified Implementer designation.
He has an undergraduate degree from Spingfield College and a graduate degree in Clinical Social Work from the University of Connecticut.
To learn more call Bill directly at 408-460-4804 or email him at