The EOS® and Family Business Systems
Simple, complete, business management systems
We Believe the Answer Lies in this Simple Principle: Less is More
After over 20 years of personally working with entrepreneurs and their leadership teams, here’s what I and my colleagues have learned – a choice few are getting everything they want from their business but unfortunately, most aren’t. Most are frustrated and stuck. Many are beating their heads against the wall and can’t quite put their finger on why. We find that only 5 percent are getting everything they want. So you’ve got to ask yourself what’s missing? What makes a difference?
XIf you’re like most entrepreneurs, you like to wrestle with 136 different issues at the same time. You probably also feel stuck. That’ll happen when you’re trying to solve the same stuff over and over again.
You’ve “Hit the Ceiling,” an inevitable and perfectly normal phenomenon for growing businesses and their entrepreneurial leaders. But it’s also frustrating — and I can help.
When you’re stuck, complex programs and abstract theories don’t work. You need FOCUS – the ability to identify and solve the few essential priorities from a very long list of obstacles, opportunities and problems. You need CLARITY – the ability to get everyone on the same page with where you’re going and how you plan to get there. And you need SIMPLICITY – the ability to execute consistently well by following a handful of rules.
That is the Entrepreneurial Operating System® and our Family Business tools are a simple way of operating an entrepreneurial company that will help you clarify, simplify and achieve your Vision.
If you want fewer frustrations, better results and a more peaceful, profitable and enjoyable organization, contact Bill Seelig.
To learn more call Bill directly at 408-460-4804 or email him at