Coaching Services
Bill Seelig, Executive Coach & Therapist
“A mind once stretched by a new idea never regains its original dimension.”
Oliver Wendell Holmes
I am pleased to offer four coaching options to meet the unique needs of executive clients. We begin with a personal conversation to explore the challenges involved. We then jointly explore what mix of coaching or therapeutic options will be most helpful. My goal is to have each person experience a personal, powerful, authentic growth experience.
“Bill is a good -hearted straight shooter with a great deal of elder wisdom.” – Gary Plep
#1 Personal Coaching
I begin with an introductory conversation to determine what you really want going forward. Coaching, like life, is a journey of self-discovery. It’s an opportunity to dig deeply into your past experiences, your successes and your dreams. It’s a time to be open, honest and vulnerable; a process of rediscovering what you love and want for your future. An out-of-the-box exploration of your next personal journey and the challenges and rewards involved.
“Strategy is about making choices, trade-offs. It’s about deliberately choosing to be different.” – Michael Porter
#2 Family Business Coaching
Family business leadership all begins with you and your key family members and, when appropriate, key business associates. Thoughtful, direct communication between the generations and amongst siblings is the foundation of family business success. Frequently emotional issues and conflicts undermine the development of good busines practices. These families are often stuck in patterns of blame and negativity which can undermine their potential for success. I provide another set of eyes on your family dynamics and provide the tools to help you move forward.
“Tact is the ability to tell someone to go to hell in a way that they look forward to taking the trip.” –Winston Churchill
#3 Peer Group Consultation
Participate in a peer group for successful executives in transition. These dynamic peer-to-peer group sessions meet monthly with a seasoned coach/ facilitator. An opportunity to join with fellow travelers who are facing life’s challenges like preparation for business ownership/leadership, management issues, personal challenges and shared learning experiences. An opportunity for like-minded colleagues to bond in friendship and dialogue; unleashing solutions to personal and business issues of the day.
“Most people do not listen with the intent to learn and understand. They listen with the intent to reply. They are either speaking or preparing to speak.” – Stephan Covey
#4 Traction – The Entrepreneurial Operating System
You and your team may find yourselves “Hitting the Ceiling” as your company expands. This is a common and perfectly normal phenomenon for growing businesses and their entrepreneurial leaders. You feel stuck as you try to resolve the same issues over and over again. Should you need help in this area, I will undertake a rigorous process by helping your team implement the Entrepreneurial Operating System, known as EOS. This powerful and simple set-of-tools is practical and road tested with over 2,000 companies.
“It is one of the paradoxes of success that the things that got you there are seldom the things that keep you there.” – Charles Hardy
Call Bill directly at 408-460-4804 or email him at
To learn more call Bill directly at 408-460-4804 or email him at